Friday, January 14, 2011


I am afraid my week has not been so great. I only lost 1/2 lb at my WW weigh in, and I felt like I had worked really hard! I may have let myself eat a few too many slices of pizza while feeling sorry for myself this evening - DANG IT. Hopefully all will even out in the end, as today was a long run day - 2 hours on a treadmill. Ugh! However, I hope I redeemed myself by spending the rest of the evening, not only planning my weekly grocery shopping, but filling my my food journal with my meals for EVERY DAY next week. I feel like I am prepared to face the week ahead! And hopefully my hard work this week is just waiting to show up on the scale next week and I'll have a totally KILLER weigh in next Friday. Don't count me out yet, Nay! I'm still in this too!


  1. Kim, I like your attitude. And, I'm sure we can all relate to what you're feeling right now. Wether it's making a mistake, overeating, or giving into any bad habit, when we do that, then we just throw our hands up in the air and say, "Oh well."

    Sometimes for me, it's if I give in and "cheat". Sometimes, if I'd 'cheat' and eat something unhealthy, I'd just think, "Well, I've already had that, so I might as well enjoy the rest of the day and go all out, and start over again tomorrow.

    That is when the downward spiral begins.

    The key is, to acknowledge that it happened. Accept it. Figure out why it happened. Recognize how you feel because it happened. Realize you do not what to feel that way again. Take steps to make sure it doesn't happen again.

    If it does, repeat. Repeat and repeat until we realize the consequences of our 'giving in' (or whatever you want to call it) are not worth it.

    Any experience can be transformed into something of value to us; IF WE JUST LET IT!!! Everything depends on the way we look at things. We cannot have the successes without the failures, right? :)

    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. -Thomas A. Edison

    Ok. Enough from me. Keep it up and you're doing great!

  2. Kim...we all have those days. I love that you are just getting back up and planning your success for the next week. I love that you are confident and that you are not letting a disappointing week get you down. Your example is inspiring! Good luck!

  3. Kim,
    I think we are all doing what you is pretty normal. Plus this contest goes on for a loonnnggg three months. I do not feel like a piece or two of pizza is going to derail you. I think the greater will power comes from just picking right back up. I've had way too many quit experiences just cuz I cheated once. I am looking more for a life style change. And that will certianly involve eating what I want to now and then.
