Friday, December 31, 2010

The Rules

I have had a couple of requests to add a clarification to the rules.  I ran the clarification past the Biggest Loser Rule Committee (me, Jeff, and Renee by default) and we have reached a consensus on the requested clarification.   I believe in my original statement of the rules, I erroneously stated that the Biggest Loser and the person entitled to take the pot of money remaining after those who have lost 10% of their beinning weight and have reclaimed their own $50, is the person who loses the most pounds.  Apparently I was munching on some brownies laced with something when we were discussing this during the the birth of the competition (or otherwise trying to surmise how Jeff would probably cheat in this competition) for that is what I though I heard.  However, I was mistaken, and the rule as previoulsy stated is hereby amended, modified and altered to state that "the person who loses the greatest percentage of their original weigh-in body weight will take the title of "Biggest Loser" and will win the pot of money remaining after those who have lost 10% or more of their begining weight have reclaimed their $50."  The rules committee felt that a percentage of body weight lost would be fairer than total poundage.  We hope you are in agreement and if you are not,  . . . well too bad.  
If you have not sent me your verified and witnessed weight yet, or your money (if you are planning on going for the pot of money in the end), please do so before the deadline stated in the the prior statement of rules.  
Although I had planned to post the beginning weights on the blog (for family and participant reference only) I have had much push back on that idea so far (mostly from the women folk) (Jeff didn't care that we all know that he was 198 pounds).  Please feel free to weigh in (that's a pun, ha ha) on your feelings in that regard.  At a minimum, I need to have your weight on my master list so that we can verify your winning status.  If I do not hear any objections, I will provide Cami with the weights and have her post them on the blog.  If I do recieve objections, those who object will not have their weight posted on the blog.  
Please remember that the optional offical weigh-in is scheduled on February 14 and should be conducted on the same scales that you weighed in on, and if you are weight-disclosed participant, your progress will be posted, or your election not to have a midterm weigh in will be duly noted on the blog. 

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