Friday, January 7, 2011

Week One

Well folks, just wanted to share my week one progress:

Down 3.5 lbs.

I wanted to share this quote with you I found inspiring:

"Many around you want to point out 'reality' to you. They say, "Face the facts. Look at what-is." And we say to you, if you are able to see only what-is—then, you will create only more of what-is. You must be able to put your thoughts beyond what-is in order to attract something different or something more."

So, who cares how long you've been fighting this battle with weight or food or whatever it is. You may not even be able to remember yourself without the weight or the problems with food. That is ok. The past has passed. Today is a new day. Next week is a new week. Change is possible, no matter how many times we fail. It just takes consistently making good choices, and overall relying on The One who has more strength or will power than any of us will every have. That is the key. He is the key.

Think about 3 months you can either be happy or sad about the choices you make today, tomorrow and the next day. Remember your goal and keep your eye on that, not on what your mind (or your mouth) tells you you want to eat right now. In 3 months you will be so glad you did.

Keep the posts coming and sharing your insights. It helps everyone. Love you all!


  1. Cami, this comes at a very good time for me. I took the kids to the swimming after my workout today and oh, there is nothing like an hour in surrounded by dozens of half naked people to make you really over analyze your own body. I sounded exactly like the first part of this quote. "Ok, realistically, I've always been overweight. Realistically, I've NEVER really been thin (except for about 5 minutes before I got pregnant with Evan). Realistically,I'll can lose weight, but I'm not going to ever actually look good." You're quote is right though - I am only going to fulfill my own expectations. So I'm going to start telling myself that I am going all the way. Pre-Evan weight, here I come!

  2. It frightens me how attractive our family is going to be......people are going to drop their jaws when we go out in public together....stop and stare...and point....

  3. Alright Cami... I'm having a terrible time trying to figure out this whole posting business.

    I can comment at least. In fact I will treat this as my post. People are less likely to read all the comments right...

    Well I am trying to think POSITIVE. Thats right. I am in the positive 3 pounds overall. I had a plan. I was doing my plan, then mid week it all came crashing down. I blame stress. So yes my fellow competitors... +3.2 pounds for me.

    (Sigh) It can only get better right?

  4. Hang in there! Don't lose hope even with a positive could be could've been 13! Just get up and get going again! I am rooting for you, so keep us posted!

  5. Heather, my love, sometimes 10 lbs down is preceeded by 3 lbs up. If you don't give up though, you'll be down in the end. I had a bad night myself, tonight, but I'm not done yet! There are still 11 weeks left for getting it right!
