Hi All,
I (Nolan) just wanted to give a little update on what/how we are doing. Neither of us are paying customers, but are along for the ride. I have had specific goals in mind for a while now and
the fat loss goals maybe unrealistic based on my strength goals but here they are anyways. Fat Loss Goal lose 20-30 lbs fat mass, cut fat % to 12-16%. Strength Goal (are very optimistic, but hey shoot for the stars) 80 push-ups in 2 minutes, 90 Sit-up in 2 minutes, Bench Press 1.5x Body Weight. The way that I have decided to reach these goals is through 6 day Strength
Cardio Plan. Also
Jani and I are trying to eat better, not through dieting but through portion control, choosing foods with higher protein, and increased H2O intake, and minimizing as much as possible the sugars we take in. Also I have found a great little free Android app that I am very excited about.
JEFIT is the name of the app and is very
comprehensive for working out and tracking progress. I just finished a No Gain, Just Maintain team
competition at work and I lost 4 lbs for that this past weekend which is also the same loss I have for our little adventure.
Janica is hard at work and very motivated. She shares the same plan as far as "dieting". She has been hitting the gym this week and doing workout videos. Her motivation is truly through the roof. Her goals revolve more around post-pregnancy. I won't disclose her numbers, since I value my health, but I will say watch out for her! Anyways, good luck to everyone and if anyone wants to workout together even if it is the occasional run or basketball game give us a call. Also a few of my co-workers and I are looking to replace our Friday lunches with a short basketball game around the noon hour either at the
Orem or Provo rec centers, so if any of you Utah County folks would like to play let me know. Go work guys keep it up.